Switch Off Negative Thinking
Control Your Thoughts
Transform Your Life
Mind Solutions from Sally McHugh
I am an experienced, empathetic and proven-effective practioner of hypnotherapy, BWRT and other treatments, to address issues from anxiety and stress to alcohol dependency, overwhelming trauma, insomnia, weight loss and more. I work with adults, bringing a comprehensive toolkit of therapies and experience to bear on your challenges and help you change your mindset.
Contact me for a free, no obligation chat today.
Now is the perfect time to invest in you and work on any longstanding issues or anxieties affecting your life.
I offer a free 20 minute phone call to see if hypnotherapy is the right solution for you. Hypnotherapy for stopping smoking or for weight loss is well-known to be an effective treatment, yet it is also powerfully effective in addressing the management of stress, for relieving anxiety, and for recovery from trauma.
Invest in your own mental health and wellbeing and call me today on 0161 374 0227 for your free 20 minute consultation, and let me help you.
How can I help? My therapies
Our brains are wonderful things, but sometimes we can get stuck in a loop of thinking or behaviour that is damaging, and when you’re caught in that situation it can be very hard to imagine how you could ever excape from it – but you can. Using the techniques I have practised for over a decade, I will teach you how to manage your situation and achieve positive lasting change in your life. With my support you can become the person you want to be.
Hi, I’m Sally, a licensed hypnotherapist and BWRT® practitioner
I’m a highly experienced, specialist Mind Solutions consultant working with clients from across Manchester and Cheshire. I can help you to make positive lasting change in your life using a combination of proven techniques and therapies such as Brain Working Recursive Therapy® (BWRT), Psy-tap and more.
I have been a practising clinical and analytical hypnotherapist for more than a decade. During this time, I’ve chosen a path of continuous learning and development and added a wealth of complementary techniques, strategies and therapies to my skill-set. I am accredited by a number of professional bodies and my qualifications ensure the highest standards of professionalism and offer reassurance to my valued clients.
With my experience and the various therapies in which I am trained, I can help with a wide range of issues such as anxiety, trauma, dependency (alcohol), confidence, phobias, sports performance and much more.
If you are struggling with an issue in your life, I can help you.
Clinical and analytical hypnotherapy
I am qualified to offer a range of therapies that work with the different needs people come to see me for. All treatments can be life-changing and lasting, by changing the way you think and learning how to maintain that, you can rebuild your confidence, overcome alcohol dependency, rid yourself of phobias or anxiety, beat insomnia, or lose weight for good.
There is no ‘one-size fits all’ approach to the work I do. I will often integrate different therapies to ensure the best result, meaning our work together is entirely bespoke to your needs. You can learn a little more about the different therapies I offer below.
Getting help couldn’t be easier. Either fill in the form below, or contact me via email or telephone and arrange your free initial conversation with me.
0161 374 0227
My normal hours of operation are:
Monday to Friday 9am-6pm