BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®

Change the way you define yourselfBrainWorking Recursive Therapy® has been described as nothing short of miraculous.

Sadly, many of us identify ourselves in a negative way: ‘I’m an insomniac’, ‘I’m boring’ or, tragically, ‘I’m worthless.’ Even evidence to the contrary – a loving family, good friends, success, etc – does not shake this core belief, and it is this core belief that prevents us from changing – we create our own self-fulfilling prophecy and suffer the consequences. It doesn’t have to be this way.

BWRT® works by helping you identify, and verbalise, the person you believe yourself to be, at your core, not the person you seek to project to the outside world.  Using BWRT® techniques, we work to help you identify your ‘negative persona’ and then create a new core persona – the ‘REAL’ you – someone you like!

We then look at the behaviours you want to change, or the traumatic or upsetting memory you wish to overcome, and help you create a new response pattern in your brain of what you actually want to happen or recall.  You could say that we ‘change your mind.’

As an example, perhaps you witnessed a terrible accident, and are experiencing flashbacks or memories that are affecting you on a daily basis. With BWRT® we cab ‘overwrite’ this memory, creating instead a new memory that is far less upsetting and recurring. I have worked with victims of crime, and victims of circumstance, and helped them achieve their goals. I work with people whose self-beliefs can be crippling, whether these have been set in childhood or through later experience. You can control your mind – you simply need a little help.

All the work is carried out in an ‘awake state.’ BWRT® is not hypnosis.

It might sound unlikely, but BWRT® is actually a logical and down-to-earth process – which is why it works! And works for men and women of all ages and with many and varying reasons for coming to see me.The joy of this therapy for many of my clients is that you don’t need to tell me what your disturbing memory or upsetting behaviour is. You simply focus on it in your own mind and together we re-work that memory and allow you to step forward into a new way of thinking and living.
All though our sessions you remain fully in control of your own mind. All you need to do is want to change. You needn’t even believe you can change -that part is up to me to facilitate.


Treatment to help you overcome, or significantly reduce, compulsive behaviours is within your grasp.

I am one of the few British practitioners  to become a fully registered, accredited member of the BWRT® institute. To achieve this status, I have had a minimum of five years in full-time practice and have achieved Level 2, completing three or more BWRT® specialist courses.

Claim back your life with BWRT®.

BWRT® is effective for helping to treat:

  • Compulsive and addictive behaviour: including alcohol dependency, social media, binge eating, gambling, shopping, OCD
  • Phobias and fears
  • Stress or Depression
  • Low self-esteem and confidence
  • Relationship problems
  • Insomnia
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Weight management

Change can be almost immediate – often in just three sessions*.

The background to BWRT®

In 1983 a scientist called Benjamin Libet made an amazing discovery. After lengthy testing he proved that all decisions are made by our physical brains around one third of a second before we are consciously aware of them. This is now a scientifically proven fact: we don’t have the degree of free will that we thought we had! The physical brain has no value judgements, it simply activates a pattern of behaviour that has been activated before in response to a certain stimulus. This all happens at amazing speed, where millions of neurons are fired up in our brain. So when it comes to situations and relationships – however much you want it to go well in your conscious mind, the brain has already sent data down the neural pathways identifying that that this is a ‘familiar’ situation and thus you respond in ‘the same old way’, which means that all those uncomfortable physical responses and emotions come flooding in.

For more information on BWRT techniques, you can view the brochure below:

BWRT techniques Terence Watts BWRT institute

‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It’s a totally confidential method that does not require you to reveal your private information or personal secrets to your therapist and it is carried out in a completely conscious state. It does not use hypnosis or any concepts that might be considered mystical or unscientific – it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and for it to succeed only needs you to know what you want to change in your life. Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. You can find out more at

For some conditions BWRT® can only be used if you have written permission from your GP or consultant, including any condition where you are under supervision of a psychiatrist or mental health professional. This is to ensure that any medical treatment you may be undergoing will not conflict with BWRT® or vice versa. If you have any questions about this please call me for more information before booking a session.

Call me now for a free no obligation chat on 0161 374 0227 to see how BWRT® can help you.

*Dependant on the client and their issue


Getting help couldn’t be easier. Either fill in the form below, telephone 0161 374 0227, or email to arrange for your free initial consultation.

    0161 374 0227

    My normal hours of operation are:

    Monday to Friday 9am-7pm

    Saturday 9am-4pm

    Based on 80 reviews
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    David Fowler
    17:39 28 Feb 25
    Excellent hypnotherapist and coach. Highly recommend!
    Kelly Boulton
    11:56 20 Jan 25
    I initially found Sally through looking to help my oldest son who was at University and was massively affected by an immense fear of spiders.Having looked at many websites for phobias, Mind Solutions seemed the most suitable, having seen how bad my son reacted to spiders, I wasn’t sure he could be helped, however after a few sessions with Sally, he was more than happy to remove any spiders from his room without so much as a tiny bit of anxiety. He’d also watched I’mA celeb for the first time ever! He’s not been able to before due to the spiders on screen. It was amazing to watch the difference it had made.Having seen that Sally also had helped younger people with anxiety issues I thought it would be an option to help my younger teenage son.After the pandemic, he’d developed quite intense anxiety and as a family we watched this lovely boy turn into a shell of himself. School was difficult for him and the regular meltdowns were difficult to handle.I contacted Sally again and made an appointment for an initial session, whereby he was given a some brilliant practical advice and techniques to improve his anxiety as well as developing his trust in this lady where he was listened to, understood and helped in a gorgeous, comfortable, safe environment, rather than clinical one.After seeing Sally for a little while, he gained the confidence, courage and skills to manage his anxiety, speak up for himself without being angry with it, manage his emotions better and learn basically to be happier with himself.We as his parents were also able to learn so much to be able to help, rather than make things worse. listening to many things, during these sessions, I realised that one of the best things I could do not only as a parent but for myself, was to have some sessions for myself, I’d become so tightly wound with trying to do the right things by everyone, I’d become angry too quickly, resentful and basically a bit lost in everything.This wasn’t good for anyone around me, I quickly realised, I needed some guidance and help.The help I’ve received from Sally has been life changing, I’m 49 and have a lifetime worth of stuff shall we say!Bit by bit, I feel like Sally has either put me back together or helped me see where I needed to.This has involved some difficult moments but it’s been so worth it, and I’ve learned more than I thought possible about myself along with the tools I need when I have times that are tricky or I just need to step back and have a breather.This in turn has then had a huge impact on my relationships with not only my sons, those around me, but with myself. I can’t thank you enough Sally.If you are thinking about getting help from Sally don’t hesitate and go for it, this Lady is very skilled at what she does and is still learning new techniques to add to her vast knowledge to help with the myriad of different types of problems and challenges that people face. There aren’t many people like her out there and I’d definitely recommend her as I often do to friends and family. ❤️
    Joe Outram
    09:32 01 Nov 24
    If you want to STOP SMOKING then you need to go and see Sally at Mind Solutions.I WAS a heavy smoker, not anymore. I ve tried to give up before unsuccessfully, I had x2 sessions with Sally and haven't smoked , vaped or used any other nicotine replacement. Just STOPPED, naturally which was massive surprise to me and my family who thought nothing would work.SO PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR, BOOK IN WITH MIND SOLUTIONS AND ENJOY BEING SMOKE FREE!!Many Thanks Sally
    Stuart Parish
    08:23 09 Aug 24
    I used Sally for my 20 year fear of flying and after only 3 sessions and a lovely flight since, I am no longer afraid of flying and I actually enjoy the experience, I cannot recommend this enough, I’d never had hypnotherapy before so if your thinking about it, don’t, just do it and you will be so happy!
    Claire Healy
    08:04 20 Jul 24
    I went to see Sally for help with weightloss, as I was fed up with my weight fluctuating. I kept losing weight then self sabotaging and putting it back on. I was apprehensive before the first session as it was very out of my comfort zone and I have never done anything like this before. Sally was very warm and made me feel at ease. I have lost weight and I am continuing to do so. I feel more in control and I am confident I will get to my goal weight. Sally also helped with my emotions regarding the loss of my father which was a huge relief. I am emotionally and physically in a much better place and it is down to the work I did with Sally. I would highly recommend working with Sally whatever the issue.
    amelia morreve
    08:56 04 Jul 24
    I contacted Sally after years of experiencing anxiety towards public speaking. After only 3 sessions, my perspectives and reactions have completely changed! Working with Sally has provided me with valuable tools to manage and reduce this anxiety and I now feel confident in myself. I cannot thank Sally enough for the positive impact she has made, and highly recommend her to anyone facing issues holding them back in their everyday life. Thank you! X
    Harry Boulton
    19:38 31 May 24
    I owe a lot to Sally and her sessions, her constant care and support has been key to the improvement in my mental health. She has well and truly provided me with valuable tools to help navigate my mental health for the future and I highly recommend mind solutions if you want the most helpful advice you could imagine.
    Alex Jones
    10:08 19 Feb 24
    Excellent! Sally is amazing and really helped me.
    Louis Boulton
    08:00 19 Aug 23
    I came to Sally after a few terrible months alongside a lifetime of arachnophobia, at the time I wasn’t even able to refer or talk about my experiences properly. After only 2 sessions working with Sally, it has changed my perspective and my fear is exponentially less. I have also had chance in further sessions to explore beyond the phobia and learn more about how to manage myself in the best way in addition to managing tricky scenarios and more! Huge thank you to Sally for making such a positive impact on myself and clearly plenty others 😊
    Carly Sadler
    15:44 08 Jul 23
    I have had approximately 7 sessions with Sally. She is not only professional she is also approachable and makes you feel at ease. The sessions have hugely helped my anxiety I was suffering with when I first came to Sally. She has made me look at things totally different gave me brilliant coping mechanism skills and made me so self aware of how I can help myself going forward. If you’re in doubt, make the appointment with Sally you won’t regret it.
    06:48 12 Jun 23
    I visited Sally for help with my golf, more specifically, my putting and the common issue known as the 'yips'.After struggling with my putting for many years, and it holding me back from ultimately competing at the highest level, it had developed into a more serious form of the 'yips'. I decided to give Hypnosis a go to see if I could put it right...Sally talked me through the 3-session process in a very easy to understand and simple way, whilst listening to everything I had to say on the matter. We tracked my issue back to a specific putt many years ago and started work on how to change this memory.Long story short, Sally was brilliant and I can now happily enjoy my putting, whether from 30ft or 3ft. The game I love is now firmly in my control and I am 'yip free' thanks to Sally's help. Can't thank you enough.
    Lian Verrechia
    10:09 30 Apr 23
    I have recently worked with Sally to overcome various struggles in my life. The therapies included BrainWorking Recursive Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Warrior Settler Nomad (WSN). I am not exaggerating when I say that this has literally changed my life! I feel like the 'new me' is starting to shine through, and I cannot thank Sally enough for the work we have done together. I will never forget what she has done for me. I really can't recommend her enough!
    Rachel Gilluley
    15:01 01 Mar 23
    I asked Sally for help as she was so successful with our son. She was able to make sense of my emotional spaghetti and change the way my brain processed unwanted memories and emotions. I'm no longer angry, anxious or emotional and my mood swings have stopped. Obviously this has benefited me and those around me hugely. I can't recommend Sally highly enough and would not hesitate to return to her for any issues in the future.
    Naomi Lanagan
    11:18 18 Jan 23
    I had been struggling with health anxiety and came to Sally for help with this, and I am so glad I did. The sessions are brilliant and I feel so much better now. I would highly recommend Sally.
    Tracy Wesemeyer
    15:15 21 Oct 22
    I took my daughter to see Sally, with anxiety and panic attacks, after the initial appointment She came away confident and calmer, and seemed to be able to deal with her attacks much better, we returned today for another appointment and was given some great tools and processes to help her start each morning with a positive mindset.I'd recommend Sally to anyone that is considering Hypnotherapy or similar, she is absolutely lovely and very welcoming.
    Julie Sturgess
    15:54 22 Aug 22
    You know when you have been masking and putting off dealing with something that’s quite debilitating for a really long time and then one day, its a monstrous obstacle and you just have to face into it??Well that’s where I was when I went to Sally for help with anxiety and particularly around public speaking and interviews. The frustration and upset of going from a confident competent person to someone fighting a flight response in these situations was soul destroying.Sally listened and took an holistic approach to resolving the source of my anxiety and gave me coping mechanisms in the meantime. I knew through our sessions that I was improving but you don't know how much until you put it to the test.At the time, I had been with the same business for over 25 years but had an unexpected departure, so the timing could not have been more perfect to have gotten help.. Well, I smashed a couple of interviews and felt brilliant in the process. I actually enjoyed them. It allowed me to think clearly and say everything I wanted to say in a happy and engaged way. In turn, that allowed me to be choosy about the job I took.I wont hesitate to go back to Sally as there is more we can work on, but what she worked on with me was an absolute game changer.
    Emma Tompson
    08:39 07 Jul 22
    Sally has changed my life. I've had bad anxiety for a number of years and it was getting worse on the run up to my wedding so needed it sorted before then. I saw Sally for several sessions and can't thank her enough. Through hypnosis and other techniques my anxiety has disappeared. In June I was able to walk down the ailse in confidence and enjoy every second of my wedding, something I never dreamed possible. Thank you so much and to anyone reading this I highly recommend Sally
    R G
    18:26 27 May 22
    Sally has transformed our 13 year old son from an anxious worrier to a light-hearted boy full of potential and optimism. T no longer fixates on past hurts, he sleeps well after 6 years of insomnia and wakes bursting with energy. The mental and physical changes T has experienced are astonishing and Sally achieved this in only 4 sessions. We are so grateful to Sally for helping our family and will not hesitate to revisit in the future for any mental housekeeping that may be required.
    Lisa Tighe
    21:52 04 Mar 22
    After trying to loose weight and gain fitness for some time I had been unsuccessful. I started working with Lorraine and I started to see and feel improvements. Lorraine is a very knowledgeable therapist and I felt at ease and confident in her sessions.Through Hypnosis and various other tools Lorraine uses, I began to think differently and I started to focus on getting results. I looked forward to each session as I was not only seeing results but I was also learning so much about nutrition, mindset and motivation.I not only lost weight but also eat much healthier which has really helped with my energy. My confidence has improved and I am no longer eating rubbish when I feel down. Lorraine is amazing at what she does and the Hypnosis has been life changing!! I highly recommend Lorraine x
    Jo C
    20:23 03 Mar 22
    I came with a multitude of issues and problems. With some complex issues, sally has left me with lots of strategies and tools to cope and move forward. She has also left me with a fantastic team to help me through life ( you will need to go to her to find out about the team) !!!!!! Thank you
    S S
    18:52 11 Jan 22
    Sally helped with overcoming my driving anxiety. She got to the root cause (previous bad experiences) and gave me ways to deal with it. As a result I passed my driving test despite a difficult route and examiner that would have made the old me panic.I spoke to many therapists before I chose Sally and I'm glad I went with her. Effective, honest and empathetic. 2 sessions were enough to solve the issueThanks Sally!
    Charlotte B
    09:22 23 Nov 21
    I primarily went to Sally for help with a phobia. Over a number of sessions we worked to change my mindset and reduce my feelings of anxiety that had become unmanageable. Through hypnotherapy, brain-reworking and additional exercises/homework that Sally provided, my anxiety levels have reduced and my phobia is more manageable. In addition, we did some sessions to work on my confidence and self-esteem. These sessions were really helpful and gave me some useful tools which I have given me much more self-confidence. Throughout my treatment Sally was kind, re-assuring and understanding and I would definitely recommend her.
    Adrian Smith
    14:32 04 Aug 21
    I couldn’t rate Sally highly enough. She has helped me to change my mindset through a few different approaches and the results are fantastic, in 6 weeks I lost over 2 stone in weight following Sally’s advice. Sally is also very knowledgeable in healthy eating and nutrition.
    Anonymous Anonymous
    16:15 19 Jun 21
    I went to Sally for a number of long-standing issues spanning decades. I have tried, counselling, CBT and medication, and although they all helped in their own way, I still did not feel like I had overcome my issues. I always wanted to try hypnotherapy but was apprehensive/nervous about it. I finally plucked up the courage and contacted Sally on recommendation of another therapist. I have to say it is the best decision I made. Sally uses a range of techniques not just hypnotherapy. Although I had quite a few sessions (as there were a number of issues I wanted to deal with), it was worth every penny! My only regret is that I didn’t contact Sally sooner!!
    Hayley Shaw
    12:57 15 May 21
    To describe Sally in one word I’d have to go with amazing. From the second she greets you at the door you feel at ease. I’d never previously tried any type of therapy before I went to see Sally, and I had felt a little apprehensive before our initial consultation, but I needn’t have been because I was in very safe hands. She really gets to know you and understand the reasons you’re there, to be able to maximise every session. So if you’re looking for a little help with a problem you may have, or a situation you find yourself in, then I honestly can’t recommend Sally enough. Just relax and trust in her knowledge and experience, the results will speak for themselves.
    Simone Pinkus
    11:52 30 Apr 21
    My teenage daughter was having many problems due to being diagnosed with a life long illness and then Covid on top. We were recommended to a Sally for being so kind and patient and that she is great with kids. We were not disappointed. She is all those things and more. We had many wonderful sessions with Sally and she really helped my daughter to over come so many fears & her heightened anxiety. We too would highly recommend Sally as she is do professional and knowledgeable. There is nothing Sally can’t deal with.We will definitely keep in touch.Thank you Sally for all your hard work and determination. XXX
    John Bagnall
    16:09 29 Apr 21
    I have tried many ways to stop smoking over the many years, thankfully I was recommended to sally at mind solutions. I have received hypnosis several times previously without success, Sally’s hypnosis was a totally unique experience. It is with big thanks to sally that I can say with certainty that I am a none smoker for the rest of my life and recommend her service highly, thank you Sally 🙏John B
    07:14 25 Apr 21
    I have been trying to help my son, 8 years old, with a fear of choking and being sick for around 5 years.I decided I needed to get some extra help to help him get over this and heard of many positive experiences with Sally.The treatment has worked wonders and my son is now able to eat with out fear and has a completely different attitude towards food. He is delighted and so are we!Thank you so much Sally for your amazing work!!!
    Heather Jenkinson
    05:21 14 Mar 21
    I came to Sally in search of help to move on from trauma. She made me feel at ease from the get go and I couldn't recommend her enough. I feel like I can move forward in life now without the past weighing me down; thankyou!
    sinead goodwin
    09:09 05 Mar 21
    Taking my daughter to see Sally was one of the best decisions of my life. The changes in my child are amazing - my daughter has been provided with many tools to help her with growing up and dealing with high school life. My daughter also had a phobia which Sally has helped with and this has made a huge difference to both my child and our family. I really recommend using Sally she has been fantastic and very professional.
    Laura Gilchrist
    16:18 20 Feb 20
    I came to Sally as I was dealing with some anxiety around a transition in my life and Sally gave me the tools to deal with it. Not only did I find the sessions really helpful, I have been amazed at how quickly the strategies she's given me are working. She helped me work through some barriers that were holding me back. I would 100% recommend her!
    C D
    22:53 13 Feb 20
    Sally has been a great help and support to me. She has been very flexible, and able to adapt a session at a moments notice to suit my needs at the time of the appointment. I went to her with several issues in mind that needed addressing, but she also identified some areas which I hadn’t realised were contributing factors - and addressed those too. She has helped me hugely, and I would highly recommend her.
    Andrew Davison
    12:38 28 Jan 20
    I contacted Sally having had a extremely turbulent year; which in turn had led me into a down-wood spiral I could not see a way out from. I was overthinking situations I had no control over that had led me to become extremely anxious, low in confidence and genuinely at the lowest point I have experienced in my life to date. Sally worked with me, employing various complimentary approaches. Over time this provided me with the skills to cope on day to day basis and helped rebuild the 'real' me. The work we did was very positive and learnt enormously from our weekly appointments. Having recently finished working with Sally I can honestly say that I have never felt as good as I do now, regarding what my future holds and who I am as a person. Sally is a consummate professional who put me at ease instantly and throughout the therapy. I would wholeheartedly recommend Sally to anyone who wants to make a change and needs help in doing so.
    L S
    13:14 08 Jul 19
    AMAZING. I went to Sally wanting help for a 40 year nail biting habit. I was sceptical before going but can honestly say she completely surpassed my expectations. All it took was one session and I haven't bitten my nails once since I left the session three months ago. I'd recommend her to anyone, absolutely brilliant
    Carolyn Ferguson
    11:30 22 Jun 19
    I would highly recommend Sally, she has a wonderful reassuring and calm manner and is extremely experienced and knowledgeable. I found the work we did together made a significant difference to my recovery of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). I also have really effective simple strategies I can use to manage and control my symptoms.
    Alistair McAuley
    12:40 30 Apr 19
    After carrying 10 years of grief from loss of loved ones Sally has given me the ability to talk about the loss and remember in a positive mindset. If you are feeling anxious and low she can help with how you think about your situation. I would recommend Sally.
    Amanda Ellwood
    19:14 02 Apr 19
    After seeing Sally for sleep issues in 2011, I have kept in touch and decided to see her again to experience a therapy new to me. BrainWorking Recursive therapy. This was in part for professional curiosity, as refer many of my patients to see Sally, but also to deal with a niggling issue.This was a powerful, energising, and almost overpowering session, and since then life seems to be much calmer and happier since my single session with Sally. Many thanks Sally, you worked your magic again!
    Ciaran Boylan
    18:20 26 Mar 19
    After suffering with anxiety for 12 years and having countless CBT sessions alongside trying numerous medications I decided to contact Sally because I wanted to try hypnotherapy. I was apprehensive about calling but she was very positive and soon put my mind at rest and suggested that I may benefit most from something I’d never heard of called Brainworking Recursive Therapy. I had 5 sessions with Sally and my life has changed dramatically for the better. I no longer feel anxious all the time and she also helped me with a bereavement I was struggling with. My life had stagnated and plateaued and now I’m advancing my career, making plans for the future and doing things I never would have attempted before. Also, she gave me material to take home and continue the therapy myself. I was on a cocktail of 3 medications when I started my sessions, I’ve binned one and I’m in the process of reducing the other two. Thank you so much, Sally!
    Michael Gee
    17:05 05 Mar 19
    I saw Sally a while ago for an issue I had been struggling and was amazed quickly and easily she was able to help me. Sally put me at ease from the first moment I met her. I highly recommend her.
    08:22 25 Jan 19
    It took one hour with Sally to give up SMOKING..!Smoked for 38 years, on 30 cigarettes per day and didn't believe for one moment Hypnotherapy would work...I have suffered no urges, no cravings and to my surprise, it has been relatively easy.Thank you Sally,
    Martin Cummins
    09:46 21 Jan 19
    Ive recently being seeing sally to help with some problems ive had trough out my life and all i can say is this woman is she is amazing,i feel like a new person since i started with sally and i would 100% recomend her to anyone.what she does is more powerfull than i ever thought.sally from the bottom of my heart,thank you for everything youve done for me.Best regards Martin.
    Ella McGrath
    08:57 29 Nov 18
    I saw Sally for 4 months and she is brilliant! I had split from a long term relationship and was feeling depressed and anxious. She used different strategies in order for me to get over this and become much more confident. When I was coming to the end of my treatment she helped me come up with ways to cope with these feelings if they come back which was really useful. Sally was so lovely and really a miracle worker! I would definitely recommend her.
    Jeanette Watson
    10:53 19 Nov 18
    Sally helped us with a phobia of being sick. After only one session, the results were quite astounding. Sally was really easy to work with and she explained everything along the way. I would definitely recommend Sally.
    10:11 13 Nov 18
    It's very easy to feel totally at ease with Sally. I sought her help for lack of confidence with driving, particularly on motorways. I was terrified at the thought of driving by myself and had never attempted a solo motorway drive prior to seeing Sally. I had one session with her on a Saturday afternoon and was up at 7:30 the next morning for my first motorway drive. I handled it perfectly, and ever since I've been out every day, driving and parking (something else I was terrified of). I would not hesitate to recommend her, whatever the problem is.