BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® has been described as nothing short of miraculous.

Sadly, many of us identify ourselves in a negative way: ‘I’m an insomniac’, ‘I’m boring’ or, tragically, ‘I’m worthless.’ Even evidence to the contrary – a loving family, good friends, success, etc – does not shake this core belief, and it is this core belief that prevents us from changing – we create our own self-fulfilling prophecy and suffer the consequences. It doesn’t have to be this way.
BWRT® works by helping you identify, and verbalise, the person you believe yourself to be, at your core, not the person you seek to project to the outside world. Using BWRT® techniques, we work to help you identify your ‘negative persona’ and then create a new core persona – the ‘REAL’ you – someone you like!
We then look at the behaviours you want to change, or the traumatic or upsetting memory you wish to overcome, and help you create a new response pattern in your brain of what you actually want to happen or recall. You could say that we ‘change your mind.’
As an example, perhaps you witnessed a terrible accident, and are experiencing flashbacks or memories that are affecting you on a daily basis. With BWRT® we cab ‘overwrite’ this memory, creating instead a new memory that is far less upsetting and recurring. I have worked with victims of crime, and victims of circumstance, and helped them achieve their goals. I work with people whose self-beliefs can be crippling, whether these have been set in childhood or through later experience. You can control your mind – you simply need a little help.
All the work is carried out in an ‘awake state.’ BWRT® is not hypnosis.
Treatment to help you overcome, or significantly reduce, compulsive behaviours is within your grasp.
I am one of the few British practitioners to become a fully registered, accredited member of the BWRT® institute. To achieve this status, I have had a minimum of five years in full-time practice and have achieved Level 2, completing three or more BWRT® specialist courses.
Claim back your life with BWRT®.
- Compulsive and addictive behaviour: including alcohol dependency, social media, binge eating, gambling, shopping, OCD
- Phobias and fears
- Stress or Depression
- Low self-esteem and confidence
- Relationship problems
- Insomnia
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Weight management
Change can be almost immediate – often in just three sessions*.
The background to BWRT®
In 1983 a scientist called Benjamin Libet made an amazing discovery. After lengthy testing he proved that all decisions are made by our physical brains around one third of a second before we are consciously aware of them. This is now a scientifically proven fact: we don’t have the degree of free will that we thought we had! The physical brain has no value judgements, it simply activates a pattern of behaviour that has been activated before in response to a certain stimulus. This all happens at amazing speed, where millions of neurons are fired up in our brain. So when it comes to situations and relationships – however much you want it to go well in your conscious mind, the brain has already sent data down the neural pathways identifying that that this is a ‘familiar’ situation and thus you respond in ‘the same old way’, which means that all those uncomfortable physical responses and emotions come flooding in.
For more information on BWRT techniques, you can view the brochure below:
‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It’s a totally confidential method that does not require you to reveal your private information or personal secrets to your therapist and it is carried out in a completely conscious state. It does not use hypnosis or any concepts that might be considered mystical or unscientific – it’s completely logical, practical and down-to-earth, and for it to succeed only needs you to know what you want to change in your life. Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. You can find out more at http://www.bwrt.org
For some conditions BWRT® can only be used if you have written permission from your GP or consultant, including any condition where you are under supervision of a psychiatrist or mental health professional. This is to ensure that any medical treatment you may be undergoing will not conflict with BWRT® or vice versa. If you have any questions about this please call me for more information before booking a session.
Call me now for a free no obligation chat on 0161 374 0227 to see how BWRT® can help you.
*Dependant on the client and their issue